<TITLE>Job Study</TITLE>
<FORM ACTION = 'mailto:fraley@uic.edu' METHOD = 'post' ENCTYPE ='text/plain'>
<B>Please read the following description of a job candidate for a
tenure-track cognitive position in your
department.  After reading this description, please
indicate how qualified you believe this person to be for
the job.</B>
<CENTER>Applicant 3<BR></CENTER>
This applicant received his PhD one year ago from the University
of Illinois at Chicago. His research is concerned with understanding the
cognitive mechanisms underlying individual
differences in working memory capacity.  He has published four
articles in peer-reviewed journals, on two of which he
was first author.
How qualified do you think this individual is for the job position?<BR>
<I>Not at all qualified </I>
<INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME = 'v01' VALUE = '1'>
<INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME = 'v01' VALUE = '2'>
<INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME = 'v01' VALUE = '3'>
<INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME = 'v01' VALUE = '4'>
<INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME = 'v01' VALUE = '5'>
<I> Strongly qualified </I><BR><BR>
<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME = 'condition' VALUE = 'male'>
<INPUT TYPE = 'submit' VALUE ='Submit my evaluation'></FORM>