#!C:/perl/bin/perl.exe use CGI; $query = new CGI; # # Read in all ten scores from CGI packet (even if those items were not used) # $v01= $query->param('v01'); $v02= $query->param('v02'); $v03= $query->param('v03'); $v04= $query->param('v04'); $v05= $query->param('v05'); $v06= $query->param('v06'); $v07= $query->param('v07'); $v08= $query->param('v08'); $v09= $query->param('v09'); $v10= $query->param('v10'); # # We're going to use the unrandomize array, @varlist, to store the names of the scores and the array @reversekey # to represent which items will need to be reverse keyed # @varlist= ("v01", "v02", "v03", "v04", "v05", "v06", "v07", "v08", "v09", "v10"); @reversekey = (0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,1); print $query->header; print $query->start_html(-title=>'Thank You'); # In this loop, we cycle through each item that could have been administered. # For each item, we determine whether the item was administered by asking whether # the response is between 1 and 5. (If it is not, then the item was not administered, or, at least, not responded to.) # If the response exists, we add the response to our sum called $esteem. Notice that we only add the response # for non-reverse keyed items. If the item is reverse keyed (i.e., if "if(reversekey[$i] == 1"), we subtract # 6 from the response before adding it to $esteem. This process allows us to create a sum of all the responses # for the items administered. print "Note: This is the 'results' page for the challenge posed at the end of Chapter 7. I have printed the 'internal computations' to the screen (see below) so that you can get a better sense of how the program is working. I've also included detailed comments in the code itself.--Chris

"; $esteem = 0; for($i = 0; $i <= 9; ++$i){ $response= $varlist[$i]; print "$varlist[$i] : $$response : "; if($$response >= 1 && $$response <= 5){ if($reversekey[$i] == 0){ $esteem = $esteem + $$response; print "$esteem "; } if($reversekey[$i] == 1){ $esteem = $esteem + (6 - $$response); print "$esteem "; } } print "
"; } $esteem = $esteem/5; $esteem2 = sprintf("%.2f", $esteem); # The following commands simply save the data to a text file. There is nothing new here. It should be noted, however, that, for ease of programming, I am saving all of the item responses regardless of whether those items were used. The "empty" items will simply appear as blanks in the dataset. ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); $ip= $query->remote_addr(); # save the data to a file called self-esteemextra.text open(INFO, ">>$ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}/data/self-esteemextra.txt"); flock (INFO, 2); print INFO "$mon/$mday/$year\, "; print INFO "$hour:$min:$sec\, "; print INFO "$ip, "; foreach $key (sort($query->param)) { $value = $query->param($key); print INFO "$value, "; } print INFO "$esteem2, "; print INFO "endline \n"; close (INFO); print "
Self-Esteem Results Page

Your self-esteem score is $esteem2, on a scale ranging from 1 to 5.

"; print $query->end_html;