Internet Research Assistant
Let us collect your data on-line

Demonstrations and Examples
See samples of the kinds of Internet studies that we can create for you.

Learn more about our basic package, our prices, and our special features.

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Demonstrations and Examples
See samples of the kinds of Internet studies that we can create for you.

Basic Package
As part of our Basic Package we will consult with you to determine your needs and how to best accomplish your goals. We will create an on-line survey that includes up to 200 survey questions. When the respondent completes the survey, he or she will be debriefed and the data will be saved automatically to a data file. You can download the data as a comma-delimited text file--a file that is easily imported into data analytic packages such as SPSS and Excel--at anytime during the study.

   The following survey is an example of the kind of service that is available as part of our basic package. This particular study is designed to assess self-esteem, sex, and age and could be used to study the way in which self-esteem varies across different age groups for males and females.

Note. We have made this demonstration (and the demonstrations to follow) short so that you can explore them fully without taking too much time.
As part of the basic package, you may also download the data at any time. The data are saved as a comma-delimited text file.

   These data can be transfered to your computer by simply (a) copy-and-pasting the contents of the page into a blank Word document and (b) saving the file as a *.txt text file. The data file will be saved in a "comma delimited format", which means that you can import it easily into a variety of data analytic software packages, such as SPSS, Excel, or Systat. (For more step-by-step instructions on how to import a data file into these packages, see the FAQ page.)

Note. If you use InternetRA, your data file will be password protected. 

Additional Features
To illustrate some of the additional features that we provide, we have elaborated upon the basic survey discussed previously.

  Additional Feature
Randomize Question/Stimuli Order
This feature will enable the stimuli to be presented in a randomized order for each participant. Randomization helps to ensure that the responses to stimuli are not a systematic function of the order in which they are presented.

In this demonstration, the self-esteem items from the Basic Package demonstration are presented in a random order for each participant.

Between-Subjects Random Assignment to Conditions
If you would like to implement an experiment on-line, this feature will enable you to randomly assign participants to conditions. There is no limit on the number of experimental factors or levels. (If you want to randomize within-subjects too, you will also need the "randomize questions/stimuli order" feature listed above.)

In this demonstration, participants are asked to recall and write about an experience in which they felt one of five emotions: angry, betrayed, loved, secure, or lonely. Participants are randomly assigned to one of these five conditions. Once writing about this experience, they answer the same self-esteem questions that were used in the previous demonstration.

Customized Feedback for Participants
This feature allows you to provide your participants with a summary of their performance (e.g., their average score on one or more dependent variables). This is an excellent way to reward your participants for their participation. We also provide bargraphs to visually summarize data where appropriate.

In this demonstration each participant is given feedback on his or her self-esteem score, which is computed from the participant's responses to the five self-esteem items. A simple bar graph is provided to illustrate the person's score relative to the range of possible scores.
Customized Data Analysis for Participants
This feature allows you to summarize for your participants the performance of the sample at large (e.g., group means, correlations between variables). These analyses are conducted when the participant submits his or her data and reflect whatever data currently exist in your database. We also provide bargraphs to visually summarize data where appropriate.

In this demonstration each participant is given feedback on his or her self-esteem score, which is computed from the participant's responses to the five self-esteem items. In addition, the average self-esteem score for everyone who has taken the test is reported.
Login Menus for Participants
This feature requires participants to enter a username and password in order to participate in your research. The username and password can be generated by the researcher or by the participant.

In this example, the participant creates his or her password.
Reaction Times
This feature allows you to assess the amount of time that a participant spends on a web page. This is not ideal for experimental stimuli that can be processed within a second or two (e.g., Stroop experiments, lexical decision tasks). However, it is quite useful for stimuli that require several seconds to be processed (e.g., the recall of episodic memories).

In this demonstration, participants are asked to recall four different experiences from their past. The program assesses reaction times and, after four trials, summarizes the participant's average reaction time to positive emotion trials and negative emotion trials.
Tracking Participants Across Multiple Sessions
This feature is useful for research that involves an extensive number of surveys (i.e., survey situations in which it will take more than one sitting for the participant to complete the study) or following research participants over time (e.g., short-term longitudinal work, diary studies).

For the purposes of the demonstration, log in as a "returning participant" using the user name "internetRA" and the password "123." This will allow you to see how a login system combined with a menu system can be used to follow participants across multiple sessions.
If you would like to used image-based stimuli in your study (e.g., photos of people, shapes), you will need to supply us with JPEG versions of those images. Because images require the use of additional Internet resources, we charge $2 per image used in your study.

In this demonstration we use images as stimuli in a simple between-subjects experiment.
  Customized Logos
If you would like for us to create a customized logo for your study, we can do so. Simply give us a sense of what you would like and we'll generate some possibilities for you to choose among. If you would like to provide your own logo, you may do so for $2 (see the Images feature above).

This demonstration illustrates an InternetRA logo at the top of a login page.