Attachment, Cognition, and Personality Laboratory
University of Illinois at Chicago

Research Space 
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Room 2065

Room 2065


Our laboratory is located on the second floor of the Behavioral Sciences Building, 1007 W. Harrison St., Chicago, IL 60607. 

Our lab "hub" is room 2065. This is where Claudia and Mike spend most of their time. This is also where we keep the lab coffee maker.

Room 2067 & Room 2069


We also have two smaller rooms for testing research subjects individually. Each of these rooms has a computer, and the space can be rearranged for couple research. 

The computer in this image is currently being used as a web server for collecting psychological data over the Internet.

Room 2078


In the Fall of 2002 we put together a psychophysiology lab. Our setup allows us to record heart rate, blood pressure, and skin conductance from our research subjects in a noninvasive manner.

In this image, we're measuring Mike's blood pressure while he plans his Masters thesis.